Techniques for choosing food Safe processed egg menu.
Eggs are a food ingredient that every home has been familiar with for a long time. Because it is easily available in the general market. and is a good quality protein Contains all essential amino acids for the body. But when you only eat omelets, fried eggs, boiled eggs, or poached eggs, it might be a little boring. Various processed egg options.
Therefore many things have arisen, whether it salt eggs, century eggs, or pickl eggs. We will notice that these eggs taken through various forms of food preservation processes. This allows eggs to extend their shelf life even longer. However, when fresh eggs are process, various additives add. Therefore, we should be careful about the safety of those processed eggs before eating them. This is to avoid the dangers that come from processed eggs. Report from โปรโมชั่น ufabet
Recommendations for eating different types of processed eggs
1. Be careful of getting too much sodium in salted eggs.
The process of transforming fresh eggs into salted eggs usually involves soaking them in salt water or covering them with ashes and rice husks mixed with salt to make the eggs absorb the saltiness into the egg’s meat. Therefore, salted eggs usually have more salt (sodium) than normal fresh chicken eggs. According to the Department of Health’s recommendations, in one day we should eat no more than 2,000 milligrams of sodium. One salted duck egg has a sodium content equal to 305 milligrams, or 4 times more sodium than a fresh chicken egg. Therefore, if eating salted eggs You should eat only no more than 1 egg per day. That’s enough.
2. Be careful of heavy metal contamination in century eggs.
Century eggs, which we usually eat with porridge, are a menu that has been around for a long time. In fact, the production of century eggs is often fermented with lime, salt, black tea leaves, and zinc oxide. Which makes it highly alkaline and fermented for up to 45 days, causing germs on the surface of the eggshell to die. which is safe to eat However, some food Safe processed egg menu century egg manufacturers use substances that contain large amounts of lead in their production. Therefore causing toxic effects on the body. Therefore, how to choose century eggs that are safe to eat is: Choose century eggs whose white jelly is not too dark, not cloudy, or has sediment. This is a sign of the manufacturer adding lead-containing substances that are harmful to the body. And if you want to eat it more safely, it is recommended to eat it in the form of cooked eggs, such as stir-frying or frying them before eating.
3. Be careful of undercooked eggs in fish sauce pickled eggs and hard egg ice cream.
Pickl eggs with fish sauce is another popular menu during this period. What you should be careful about. When eating pickled eggs is that they may contain germs. Bacteria attached to eggshells, such as E. coli or Salmonella, can become contaminated and cause severe food Safe processed egg menu diarrhea. This is because the method of pickling fish sauce takes only a few hours and then it is eaten raw without being heated. Therefore, there is a high chance of contamination by these bacteria. Therefore, you should not eat raw eggs pickled in fish sauce or soy sauce. To reduce the chance of severe diarrhea.