3 formulas for strengthening nails Fix yellow nails Reduce flaky nails

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3 formulas for strengthening nails Fix yellow nails Reduce flaky nails You can make it yourself at home!

During this time at home. It’s a good opportunity to rest your nails and nourish them. Today we have 3 formulas to nourish your nails to strong. Fix yellow nails Reduce flaky nails that can be made at home for girls to try. These nail care recipes can use things that we have at home. No need to go and buy and waste money. Plus it’s very easy to make. Who has problems with yellow nails, peeling nails, and not strong nails? Try nourishing your nails using these recipes.

Fix yellow nails with toothpaste

     ​    Did you know, ladies? that the toothpaste that we use every day Great for helping fix yellow nails! It is recommended to apply a thin layer of toothpaste. On every nail Leave it for a while. Especially if you use whitening toothpaste, it will be very good. Then take a toothbrush or small brush and rub gently on the nails that have been applied with toothpaste. If you do this every day, it will help your nails become less yellow. And your nails will definitely come back white and pink like before.

Strong, yellow nails with salt and lemon.

     Another way to help your nails become yellow is to use salt, lemon juice, and warm water. Mix 1 tablespoon of salt, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice, and about 500 ml of warm water together. Then dip your hand in and leave it for about 10-15 minutes, then rinse with clean water. Do this every day. It will help cure yellow nail symptoms very well.

Reduce nail peeling With olive oil tLemon

     Anyone who has a problem with brittle, weak nails, the nail surface often peels off in sheets. I recommend using this formula. That is, nourish your nails with olive oil and lemon juice. Mix 3 tablespoons of olive oil with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. Mix the two ingredients together. Then soak your nails in the mixture. Leave it for about 10-15 minutes then clean with clean water. Do this 1-2 times a week and your nails will become stronger. Including your nose and nails will be healthier too!

”  After nourishing your nails with these formulas. Don’t forget to nourish your nails and cuticles. With nail nourishing cream or nail nourishing oil as well. It will help our nails become stronger faster. And reduce the problem of peeling nails even more! Report from ยูฟ่าเบท https://ufabet999.com