Panic attacks can occur for a number of reasons. Sometimes we are aware of them, and sometimes we are not. However, if you know how to stop them, you will be better able to cope if they happen again in the future.
1. Take a deep breath.
Did you know that many of us forget to breathe when we panic? Our breaths become shorter and we don’t get enough oxygen? So, practice some simple breathing techniques that you can use โปรโมชั่น ufabet whenever you need them, or keep a note on your phone if you feel like panicking again.
2. Write down the thoughts in your head.
Journaling is a great way to reduce anxiety. During times when you’re feeling good, try writing down your thoughts about what’s making you feel anxious. Getting your thoughts out there can help you calm down quickly and relieve panic attacks.
3. Plan ahead.
Practice planning ahead. If you can’t go out, think about taking a deep breath and calming yourself. Knowing how to plan for a situation like this can help you stay calm.
4. Practice using mindfulness.
Practice these at home while you are feeling relaxed, as this will help you remember what works for you and can be used during a panic attack. Try practicing mindfulness for a few minutes, which will bring you back to the present and help you calm down.
5. Find a quiet space and talk to yourself.
Get out of the awkward room you are standing in and get away from other people. Find a quiet spot, or go sit in your car. Then talk to yourself. Talk about your feelings and what is going on in your head. Try to understand why you are feeling panicked and try to reason with yourself. Talking it out is like writing it down. Once it is unpacked, life will be easier.
6. Slow down your life.
When you experience a panic attack, focus on slowing down everything around you. It may sound strange, but with today’s highly competitive landscape, you may need to slow down a bit and try to let go of everything you’re doing.
7. Let go of tension.
You tend to create tension in your body when you react to nervous feelings. Try to be more aware of how your body feels, because the more tense you are, the harder it is to relax. Try taking a few deep breaths and letting go of all the tension. You will then begin to feel calmer and more in control.