Physical activity what is it?

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Physical activity what is it?

Physical activity means moving the body in various postures that use the skeletal muscles before being used. and burns the body’s energy. Report from

1. Physical activities at work 

covering various work, whether paid or unpaid. Education/training, housework, household activities agricultural work planting and harvesting or fishing etc.

2. Physical activity in traveling from one place 

to another place by walking or cycling for transportation, such as traveling to work. Traveling to shop/buy various appliances, go to the market, make merit, or go to religious places, etc.

3. Physical activities for recreation 

or leisure activities such as exercise. and play various types of sports, fitness, dancing, and recreational activities. Leisure activities for relaxation that are practiced during free time from work.

Good health can be achieved through physical activity.

Physical activity (Physical Activity) means moving the entire body in our daily life. and how these movements affect use and energy metabolism Including work, such as housework, gardening, farming, etc., and traveling, such as walking, cycling, etc.

Physical activity is divided into 3 levels based on movement.

  • Light level (Light Intensity)

Movement that is less intense and emphasizes activities that cause less fatigue are movements that occur in daily life, such as standing, walking short distances, doing housework, planting trees, etc.

  • Moderate Intensity

Activities that cause you to feel moderately tired, such as brisk walking, cycling, yoga, Pilates, etc. During the activity, you can speak in sentences, sweat a lot, or if you measure your heart rate, your pulse level will be between 120-150 times/ minute

  • Heavy level (Vigorous Intensity)

Movement of the body that makes one feel very tired Continuously repeat activities that use large muscles, such as running or walking up stairs. Exercising or having physical activities. Playing sports. During the activity, unable to speak in sentences. Feeling breathless Or if the heart rate is measured, there will be a pulse level of 150 beats per minute.